Episode 10 – Five Nights at Freddy’s with Matt and Louisa Herron

Meme gods please help this episode of CreepyPodsta: The Creepypasta Podcast to go as viral as it seems like it should. Returning guest Louisa Herron brings her lil bro Matt along for this chat about everyone’s favorite video game that isn’t Minecraft: Five Nights at Freddy’s!

Theme music is by dAmbient and can be found here

This episode’s topic was Five Nights at Freddy’s

I’m on Twitter (@j3fk) and Tumblr (weaponizedlanguage) so please follow!

Matt’s Twitter is @kamikazepilot

Louisa can be found at the Twitter handle @HerronBird

If you want to be prepped for future episodes, go ahead and read up on Abandoned by Disney, Pale Luna, Kanye Quest, The Slender Man, The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo, and The Gates of Hell

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